Episode 20: Travel

We’re back!

No I can’t quite believe it either! Anyway, we are talking about travel in this episode. It’s very exciting. Also, I’ve had a baby (he’s now 1, and absolutely adorable), and Tyr has moved to another country! We talk about this a bit. We also talk about games that have travel in them, games we play that make us travel through time and/or space, and games that help us not travel (by allowing us to virtually play with others). We also reminisce about terrible travel systems and good ones. FFXI is only mentioned a few times.

We aren’t going to charge patrons for this one because a) we want you to remember who we are before we ask you for money and b) because it’s a right pain in the butt to deal with now that the VAT rules have changed again. Therefore this is a budget episode with very little editing. (We wanted to try out discord recording too, and it’s eh, okay but eh.)