Episode 12: PAX East 2018 BRAAAAAAAINS! Archaeology and Philosophy of Zombies in Games followup

Grrrr arrrrrghhh! We have risen from the (summertime busy-ness) dead and feasted on brains responded to all of your questions from our PAX East panel on our video!

Our plans for this podcast are growing as well – we now plan to do recordings more frequently, have actually put a standing two hour block of podcast recording time into our diaries, and have enlisted some editorial/production support as well. So we are taking this rather seriously now! Stay tuned – we hope to launch a patreon in the coming weeks to help cover the costs of running the podcast.

Video and slides of our PAX East talk

Video Interlude – PAX East 2018: BRAAAAAAAINS! Archaeology and Philosophy of Zombies in Games

In this talk from PAX East 2018, Tyr Fothergill and Catherine Flick discuss the archaeology and philosophy of zombies in video games, and how these can be used to help scientists in large neuroscience projects understand the importance of research ethics. We will be doing some follow up podcast episodes to discuss some of the questions more thoroughly as well.

Recorded live a PAX East 2018; presentation available to view separately.